On Thursday night while dancing at LIV nightclub in the Fontainebleau hotel, Miami Beach, Hilton and her personal "bodyguard" (Reinhardt) approached the DJ booth to personally request that he plays some better music. From here events got a little out of control. Apparently the DJ's bodyguard felt that Paris was getting too demanding and a little too close for comfort, so he gently pushed her back a few steps to what he felt was a safer distance. At this point her knight in shining armour came to rescue his princess, or should I say heiress. This somehow led to a brawl breaking out between Doug and the bodyguard. In the end the police were called to the scene, Paris was apparently rattled beyond belief as to why "someone would do this to us", and Doug left the club with a fat, bloody lip. [1]
To me this all sounds like your typical club fight. Someone tries to do their job and leaves people unhappy ending up in a fight, pretty basic right? Unfortunately, not quite. Instead of dropping the issue Paris decided to state that she was just an innocent player in the game, and that she was unnecessarily assaulted. This is where the term "Drama Queen" really starts to take effect on the whole situation. For once in her life the little princess didn't get what she wanted which is pretty fair, isn't it? Well not in Paris' eyes it isn't. We all kind of expected her to throw a hissy fit about the whole situation and exaggerate on the actual events of the story and we were right. On her personal blog she wrote,
I know that is quite the LONG quote, but it really shows how she blows the whole situation way out of proportion. Most people would agree that if you don't like the music playing at the club, then you leave. It is unnecessary to start insulting the DJ especially when all he is trying to do is his job, give the poor guy a break! But the thing Paris forgets to mention is that she really isn't so innocent after all. In her blog, she 'forgot' to mention that this wasn't just any ordinary club; it was part of the Winter Music Conference and had strict guidelines as to what music the DJs were allowed to play. Also, she kind of forgot to mention that it wasn't as if she had visited the DJ booth once and gotten denied, but she had actually been up to request the same song on apparently over 10 occasions. [3] No wonder Angello's bodyguard was getting defensive... Just a word of advice Paris: Learn how to take a hint. :)
What about the DJs side of the story though? The club's DJ, Steve Angello, has a whole group of people backing him up that claim, "He politely refused Hilton's requests but she got more and more agitated, and it escalated pretty quickly. Out of nowhere one of her security guards smacked Steve in the face...Steve is a quiet guy, but he had to act in self defense and fought back. He started pounding on the guy and it suddenly turned into a full scale fight in the DJ booth." [3]
His publicist goes on to say that Hilton is the one to blame as she was the one pestering him, and it was Doug who threw the first few hits. This is a complete opposite reconciliation of the events than what Paris gave us. [3]
Perez Hilton was also quick to comment on the situation, stating on his website http://www.perezhilton.com/, that "Not everyone thinks Paris should get the special star treatment." [1] I think it is fair to say that Perez said it best
All in all the night ended on a decent note and the results were nothing spectacular. The police decided not to press charges and the biggest injury was just a fat lip. Come on now Paris, was that really worth it? This all could have been avoided if you just enjoyed the night and stayed out of everyone's business.
Work Cited:
[1] - Hilton, Perez. "Paris Hilton & Boyfriend "Assaulted" In Club!" PerezHilton.com. 2005. PerezHilton. 2009. <http://perezhilton.com/2009-03-27-paris-hilton-boyfriend-assaulted-in-club>
[2] - Hilton, Paris. "Clearing a Few Things Up." Myspace. 2003-2009. Myspace. March 27, 2009. <http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendId=6459682&blogId=479446356>
[3] Girard, Keith. "DJ Steve Angello Disses Paris Hilton's 'Assault' Claim." AC Associated Content. 2009. Associated Content, Inc. March 27, 2009. <http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/1602303/dj_steve_angello_disses_paris_hiltons.html?cat=49>
Picture Works Cited:
Paris Picture: "Paris Hilton and Doug Reinhardt at the Hard Rock Hotel." Nacho Foto. 2008. nachofoto. March 27 2009. <http://images.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=http://s3.amazonaws.com/images.nachofoto.com/b-Paris-Hilton-and-Dou-4c2abd6824ee.jpeg&imgrefurl=http://nachofoto.com/gallery/Paris_Hilton_and_Doug_Reinhardt_at_The_Hard_Rock_Hotel-1&usg=__S_NeEIfUBA7BGccX7YNAjHKglD4=&h=479&w=318&sz=35&hl=en&start=58&tbnid=YeVKgnjIvuDsTM:&tbnh=129&tbnw=86&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dparis%2Band%2Bdoug%2Breinhardt%26gbv%3D2%26ndsp%3D18%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26start%3D54>
Steve Angello Picture: "(Old) New Jack." WordPress.com. March 27, 2009. <http://images.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=http://getweird.files.wordpress.com/2008/01/steve-angello.jpg&imgrefurl=http://getweird.wordpress.com/2008/01/15/old-new-jack/&usg=__rczWty7-DrLDPe7QA5U4K-N8bp8=&h=350&w=349&sz=69&hl=en&start=6&tbnid=bXYLcVdDGIIoxM:&tbnh=120&tbnw=120&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dsteve%2Bangello%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den>
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