Over the past few years, the Britney Spears saga has escalated to a whole new level of entertainment. Beginning last year, at the 2007 MTV Video Music Awards, the news of her attempted 'comeback' was on the rise, but after her presentation went downhill, she was seen all over the covers of celebrity gossip magazines and other sources of media.
An anonymous writer on the Usenet wrote that, "Britney Spears is fat in all senses of the word. She's chunky. Heavy. ‘Big boned.’ Whatever!” [1]
From here it led to escapades of she's "too fat, she's too thin", a 'horrible mother', out of control and she needs psychological help, but are all of these statements really fair? She even created a song called "Piece of Me," to try and show the public that the news rants about her were uncalled for and weren't fairly published after everything she has gone through.
In the past year or so, Britney has been through enough to last her a life time and the statements made against her are far from legit. She's a mother of two and has been in the spotlight her entire life. Not that I'm trying to say that she's a victim of the paparazzi , since she is an equal player in the game, but maybe it's time to give the girl a break! She didn't grow up with a regular childhood, and never had time to rebel but after being under extreme amounts of pressure from the media it makes sense that she suffered from a breakdown.
Unfortunately, the public is obsessed with watching the rise and fall of all people around them, and when news of Britney "going crazy" got around, there was never a time where you could walk into a store and not see her on the cover of a magazine. This clearly shows that the paparazzi have pushed it too far. They were there for every second that she made a mistake making sure to catch it on film and had constant teams following her, 24/7. After a while you have to get sick of trying to please people all the time, which possibly led to her noticeable breakdown. Question is though, did she do it to keep her fans entertained and the money rolling in, or was it actually serious? She hasn't been a total victim as she makes herself appear, and often falls game to the paparazzi, playing along with them and creating new issues to keep them coming back for more. For example, buying a stuffed donkey and walking around with it in public and driving with your windows down? Are these real signs of someone trying to get away?
Celebs throughout Hollywood, have been feeling mixed reactions to Britney's latest bizarre behaviour. 50 cent claims he was inspired to base his new album around her. The song , "Before I Self Destruct," was in fact inspired from Britney's umbrella rampages, psychotic acts of shaving her head and her massive meltdowns, saying, "She was going through her issues in public… It was great to watch her spin out of control because it makes the average person feel better." [2] On the other hand though, Demi Moore, a fellow celeb and mother, offered sympathy towards Spears, claiming that Britney has "seen it worse than anybody," and that the paps have "redefined what an invasion of privacy is". Most celebrities believe that everyone should just leave Britney alone, she's been in the spotlight long enough. [3] Philip Hensher wrote in the article, 'The Spectacle of Fame,' "If Britney wasn't a celebrity, there would be no entertainment in her collapse."
Some of these Hollywood stars are trying to change the odds against the paparazzi, and are creating rules to actually earn something from the paparazzi's chaos. One of these laws created was the "Britney law", which is the unofficial business of controlling the paparazzi's agressive photographers and creates boundaries. People need to get over their obsession of celebrities and really shouldn't expect to know every detail of their life. Get a life of your own. The paparazzi have already pushed it too far and really need to get in control of their business.
All in all, Britney's attempt at a comeback has been going quite well, with the release of her new CD, and her chart-topping songs, 'Circus,' and 'Womanizer.' She appears to be fixing herself up, and bringing herself back to the top. She even made a surprise appearance at the 2008 MTV awards, and reporters say that she was looking strong and healthy. Hopefully she can clean up and stay clean, but I'm sure that we will be seeing a lot more from Britney. It is Britney Spears after all..
For another opinion on what should happen with Britney, visit:
[1]"Is Britney Spears Fat?" The Calico Cat. 17 Feb, 2009. <http://www.calicocat.com/2004/06/is-britney-spears-fat.html>
[2]"50 Cent Inspired By Britney's Breakdown." PoorBritney. 13 February. Gorilla Themes and Word Press. 17 February. <http://www.poorbritney.com/blog/?p=5543>
[3]"Britney's Breakdown: Everyone's Got an Opinion." ABC News. 21 January, 2008. ABC News Internet Ventures. 18 February. <">http://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/Story?id=4116050&page=1> Picture from: Trix. "Britney Spears." No date. Online Image. Babble Fame Crawler. 18 February 2009. <http://images.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=http://www.babble.com/CS/blogs/famecrawler/2008/12/23-End/britney-spears-picture.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.babble.com/CS/blogs/famecrawler/archive/2008/12/30/britney-spears-is-having-sex-again.aspx&usg=__rZYCTPI8Uh8FwenLSl5_mKJGXRw=&h=516&w=600&sz=30&hl=en&start=33&um=1&tbnid=psEMrH4hf4CqzM:&tbnh=116&tbnw=135&prev=/images%3Fq%3DBritney%2BSpears%26start%3D18%26ndsp%3D18%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN>
[4] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMgAR_yWAEk&feature=related
[5] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lVQOLX1wDAc
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